How to Add Table with Header for Shell Output

I have a Script that generates 3 columns of the result. The line script is

/usr/xpg4/bin/awk -F' [<>]' '{print $1 /t  $2}' File_Name | awk -F'>' '{print $2}' | cut -d'<' -f1 | sort -rn | uniq -c

The output of the Command is :

Code.500       4             Input Error
Code.404       100         Expression Invalid, add substance to the value
Bla bla           bla          bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bl

But i Want to add Table & Header for the result ,.. something like this.

Error Code | Count | Error Text

Code.500 | 4 | Input Error
Code.404 | 100 | Expression Invalid, add substance to the value
Bla bla | bla | bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla

if you can provide the input file, I can help to combine into one awk command.

here is the awk print command to print the header

awk 'BEGIN {print "=======================================================\nError Code | Count | Error Text\n=======================================================\n"}' 

So here i have attached the file for you. Have a look into that

awk 'BEGIN {print "======================================================="
            print "Error Code | Count | Error Text"
            print "======================================================="}
/:/&&/^Error/ {print substr($1,1,9), substr($1,10,4),$2;next}
/^Error/ {print substr($1,1,9), substr($1,10,4),substr($1,14)}
END{print "========================================================"}
' FS=":" OFS="|"  Error.txt

Error Code | Count | Error Text
Error.500|  91| nvalid Token Number
Error.500|   6| Unidentifiable Error
Error.500|   2| Unable to determine  The error because of invalid response code!
Error.500|   7| Processor Decline
Error.500|  12| No Account
Error.500|  11| Lost/Stolen Token
Error.500|   1| Issuer Unavailable
Error.500|  42| Invalid Transaction Type
Error.500|   3| Invalid CCToken Number
Error.500|1522| Insufficient Token Account
Error.500| 438| Do Not Honor Token
Error.500|  11| Token is Expired
Error.500|  75| Token Restricted
Error.500|   8| Token Issuer wants Token returned
Error.500|  69| MMC Failure
Error.500|  18|  Security code validation failed. Unknown security code error!
Error.500|   8|  CC Negative File Match

From the script.. I need to ignore two components.

1st -> ^Error
2nd -> ' FS=":"

Primarily For Error

Because these two components are always dynamic . This keep changing. Sometimes we see INFO , DEBUG, in place of Error. So it should by generic .

Secondarily for FS

Most of the times we dont get FS to separate and place them into colum. So its better we remove that