how i can share the file between unix or linux in windows ??

hello everybody

i have one quetion :frowning: about how i can share my file in windows to use it in linux


i have to opreating system

windows xp and linux fedore core and unix ( sun solaris 10 )
and i want to open me file that is storege in windows <<< want to open it in unix or linux

i think there are some commands i can use it but i don't know about it

if anyone know about this problems please tell me :frowning:

good regered :slight_smile: ..

have a look at:


If you have the samaba client package installed ( if not install it )

with a domain:

mount -t smbfs -o username='DOMAIN\user' //windows_machine/sharename /mountmount

For example:

mount -t smbfs -o username='REBORG\reborg' //reborg-pc/home /mnt

You can also do -o username=foo,password=bar but that would make you password visible using ps.

can you explain i'am new in unix and linux

Those lines are things to type into a root console.