How do I take out(remove) the date part in the file name in a script?

Hi All,

I need to create links between two directories.

have multiple files in a specified location.
Source Location ex: /opt/xdm/input/
Target Location ex: /opt/xdm
input file names: 1. abc_app.aus.apac.yyyymmdd.dtd
2. abcd_app.aus.apac.yyyymmdd.dtd
I need to build a code that reads all the files from the location and cuts the date part from the file name and creates a soft link in a target directory.

Expected links files:

  1. abc_app.aus.apac.dtd -- abc_app.aus.apac.yyyymmdd.dtd

There are separate dated directories for source and target and links will be created in those dated directories

can u help me out with the code?

Waiting for your reply!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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