How do I enable RSA authentication (i've already read the FreeBSD handbook on this...

I followed the directions under 10.10.6, but nothing seems to have happened. When I try logging in, nothing has changed. I still login using my username/password combination.

I've already created the keyparis, but why isn't this working?

What I'm looking to do is to put the pub keypair on my USB Storage Device and have putty reference that device for the private key authentication.

I've put the pub keypair on the device under /.ssh/authorized_keys2

Any help on this one?

i got it working. but for me it is again a long ago i did it. you need for putty the private key. (i used a ssh1 key not rsa. ) then you need to copy your key to authorized_keys2 (2 because you use ssh2 key not ssh1 key). then it should work ...
authorized key fle is in the .ssh dir in you home by default.

i'm still having issues.

i use putty to access my freebsd machine. i also used puttygen to create
a DSA keypair.

i coped the public key onto ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2 and the private on to
the usb flash device under id_dsa.

when i point putty to the private keypair, i get the following error:

"Server refused our key"

any clues how to sort this out?