How can I use "r" in the bash?

In the ksh, we can use r -[n] to repeat the command use before, but in the bash, it seems not. My question is, how can I use the "r" in the bash? Do i need to install sth? Thank you

You can try the command

will re-execute your last command

will find the most recent command you typed that began with a d; perhaps a date command; or
will find the most recent ls command entered and execute it

Thank you very much, joeyg. Your way works!

You can also execute a command from history by doing !<number>

1207 awk -F, '{print $1,$2,$3}' sed_edited
1208 cat sed_edited blue_prep awk_prep
1209 ls
1210 vi
1211 chmod u+x
1212 sh
1213 cat sed_edited blue_prep awk_prep
1214 sh ../scripts/
1215 cat sed_edited blue_prep awk_prep
1216 history
berserker:/home/ # !1207