How can i split this.. :)?

The expensive, but easy to remember route:

a=$(echo "$oktet2" | cut -c1)
b=$(echo "$oktet2" | cut -c2)
c=$(echo "$oktet2" | cut -c3)


read a b c << EOF
$(echo "$oktet2" | fold -w1 | xargs)

or something exotic :slight_smile:

  read a
  read b
  read c
} << EOF
fold -w1 << EOF2

Thanks to everyone for all the support .. I do not know which shell I use.

Operating system Kali Linux (Debian) 2.6

I did what I wanted. I made it on the quilt that "Scrutinizer" said

#!/usr/bin/env bash

IFS="." read OCT1 OCT2 OCT3 OCT4 

a=$(echo "$OCT2" | cut -c1)
b=$(echo "$OCT2" | cut -c2)
c=$(echo "$OCT2" | cut -c3)

echo $a
echo $b
echo $c

its work... again thanks everybody

Debian means you probably use DASH, I think. Which sadly makes cut one of the easier options.

Hopefully DASH will catch up to the 90's one of these days.

Yes but it only means that /bin/sh points to dash . bash should be readily available, and appears to be used, according to the shebang ( !# ), but it depends how the script is being called. I cannot make out the exact version of the Kali Linux in question...

@OP. Can you post :

bash --version
cat /etc/*release

How do you run the script?