How can i read a non text file in unix - ELF-64 executable object file - IA64

The binary file is
ELF-64 executable object file - IA64.
How i know that the source is
Is there any comamnd in unix i can read these kind of files or use a thirty party software?

Thanks for your help

I'm not sure that I understand the question. But maybe this software can help you.

The right question is:
is there a unix comamnd to read (visualize the internal code) in a binary file. the type of file is ELF-64 executable object file - IA64.? or i have to use a thirty party software?

i appreciate your help

Then I think I posted the right answer.

If you are looking to reverse-engineer an executable and get the source code, I can't help. However, if you want to see some of the text embedded in an executable file:

strings myExecFile | more

Hello Alexcol,

Yes there are lot of utilities available in unix which will help to display the symbol name list, I mean the global functions provided in the ELF.
For instance "nm" which is a CCS tool, you can use this :
/usr/ccs/bin/nm "ELF file name" .

i use this on a regular basis, so if you want any further clarifications, do revert to me...

As well as nm(1), you might look at od(1) and hexdump(1).

If you really need to visualize the internals of a binary, the Hex-Rays Decompiler extension to IDA Pro is probally the best tool available at present. It converts executables into readable C-like pseudocode. Their website is Hex-Rays Home Page