how can I get to know what threads run within process java.exe on windows

I am writing java application on windows.
There are more than 100 threads run within java.exe.
I want to know what threads run within process java.exe so that I can find out if there are abnormal java threads.

Process Explorer can show you the threads within an application, but it can't show you the code or environment it is running, if that's what you're looking for.

Use jdb.exe provided by Sun itself. Startup your java app using jdb.exe and issue the command 'threads'. Issue help to see more options.

Use jconsole, shipped with any Sun JDK >= 5.0 (preferably 6).

Thank you for reply.
I have tried jdb. It's useful for my problem.
Process Explorer is not useful for my current problem, but it's a useful tool.
I've had jdk 6.0 installed.
Thank you all again.