How can I do that ?

I have a problem.

I have a string , let's say a="!_30".
I have another string to , let's say b="cool++".
I wanna replace string a value with cool.
I wanna a="cool" , without those 2 pluses.

How can I do it , with some C string function. Not vith array's or pointer's ?

I mean , I want , a be cool , in place of !_30.

I made it to replace totaly a with b , but I wanna replace totaly a with only one portion of b .. :mad:

Try this:

$ cat s.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
        char a[]="!_30";
        char b[]="cool++";
        printf("a = %s \n", a);
        printf("a = %s \n", a);
$ gcc s.c -o s
$ ./s
a = !_30
a = cool

Hey , dude , I try that code out .. but this is not what I wanted.I wanted string a to be totaly replaced with string b without those 2 pluses.

Let's take an example , on your code :

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
        char a[]="not working";
        char b[]="cool++";
        printf("a = %s \n", a);
        printf("a = %s \n", a);
        printf("b = %s \n",b);

result :
a = not working
a = coolworking
b = cool++

The thing is , that I wanted , a become a="cool" , not a become "coolworking" .. totaly replace.In my first example strlen(!_30)==strlen(cool) .. my bad ..


P.S. : I hate C , on string processing .. :mad:

I made something , like , and it's working like I want ( maybe some users need this idea ).

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>


char a[]="now is working";
char b[]="cool++";
char bug[256];
int g;

printf("a = %s \n",a);

        for (g=0;g<strlen(b)-2;g++)
                      { bug[g]=b[g]; }
        printf("a = %s \n",a);


Result :

a="now is working"


!_30, Using your previous example, would it work to just null the string before you copy anything into it?

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
        char a[]="not working";
        char b[]="cool++";
        printf("a = %s \n", a);
        memset( a , '\0' , strlen(a) );
        printf("a = %s \n", a);
        printf("b = %s \n",b);
$ a.out
a = not working
a = cool
b = cool++

Ya , it's easier..

I have a problem.

Let's say I have this string s="send !_30 <what I wanna send>".

It's there a C fucntion ( in strings ) , I can use to copy !_30 in another string.
I mean , a C function to copy a string beginning from position x and ending in position y from string s.

Let's say : s="send !_30 <what I wanna send>"

something like this : copy from position 5 to postion 8 , to string s1 meaning s1="!_30"

By the way : Does it exist a function , I can use to see if 2 C string's are identical ? :confused:

P.S. : I made it to copy that string ... but I'm still curios if I can do it easier with a function ... :cool:

You have two questions:

  1. can you copy given number of chars from one string to another - starting from a position chosen by you
  2. can you compare two strings

int main() {

        char s[]="send !_30 <what I wanna send>";
        char s1[10];
        char s2[]="tesT";
        char s3[]="tesT";
        /* strncpy to copy strings */
        if(strcmp(s2,s3)==0) {
                fprintf(stdout,"strings are identical...\n");

Note that you cannot specify directly to the function the starting position of the string. You have to use something like s+5 to move to the start position of the copy.

Thank's dude ! This is the thing I wanted . :wink: