how can I change user name and password , of account ?

passwd only changes the password but i need to change the user name

usermod - modify a user's login information on the system

-l new_logname Specify a string of printable characters
that specifies the new login name for the
user. It may not contain a colon (:slight_smile: or a
newline (\n).

you cannt change the login but u can remove it and creat the login from the beging but be cerful when u remove it you lose the files u have there
to change the password use the function
"passwd" in the terminal
it;s so easy to use

I think he meant the GECOS field, not the login name.

what i meant was really simple
i have user account lets say :
login : foo1
pass : 1234

and of course i have files there , now i like to change the user and password

login : boo1
pass : 4444

but to keep all the files the same in that account , can it be done?

In that case see ashterix's post above.

Seeing as things are really referenced by uid by the system, file ownership will remain the same. However, the path of the users home directory will not change.
