history log

is there's a way i can capture my senior administrator history on aix? he make his history (sh_history) to another owner (not his own) so that his history will not be captured.

is there's a global history of some kind in aix that i could look into.


besides the obvoius history file, you can look at the "lastcomm" command, these are the last command entered.

History command or fc -l is the way to look at your command. you can also look for .sh_history file in the home directory and read or copy this depending on what you need to do with this.

Some more things to follow
Thing to remember is that you should always login as your self and not as a shared users or root. This allows for extra security.

Then make sure root also has its own folder eg.. my system always has /root as my root users home directory and this makes sure no one can copy or change any of my files.

Add extra loging on your system using syslog

Put security first
