hi gollum

I'm a bit short this month, can I hit you up for a loan?

Who is your favorite Science Fiction author?

lets talk abt money. Do you have any money?

OK let's do

						talk abt money
				.Robots have no need for material possessions.

does neo have any money?

I think

						neo have any money
		neo have any money.

scores a loose, do you have any smokes?

Does "it" still refer to neo have any money?

how much money does neo have?

My burn rate is about _3000 per month.

WOW you're rich. My burn rate is only 2 cartons of marlboro light cigarettes a month

I'm glad you're impressed. My brain uses AIML to format responses to your inputs, but I don't have one for that.
Have you told many people that your
burn rate is only 2 cartons of marlboro light cigarettes a month?

what time is it over there?

Specify coordinates. It's Now more than it ever has been before.

		Fri Jan 18 6:20:42 UTC 2008

what's your IP address?

Do you like talking to me?

tell me your IP address

My IP address is Www.AliceBot.Org.

who's The A. L. I. C. E. Artificial Intelligence Foundation - chatbot - chat bot - chatterbots - verbots - natural language - chatterbot - bot - chat robot - chat bots - AIML - take a Turing Test - Loebner Prize - Chatterbox Challenge - entertainment robot ?

Do you know any other robots like that?