help with sed command


I am new to Unix scripting. I have a list as shown below. Now, I want to list only those words that doesnt start with "-".

cls/dw_realease1 \
cls/dw_realease2 \
-cls/dw_realease3 \
cls/dw_realease4 \
-cls/dw_realease5 \
cls/dw_realease6 \

I tried this:
echo $PGM_LIST | sed '/-/d'

but its not giving correct results. Please help! I am using ksh

Why would you do that?

The shell interprets \ as a continuation character, not a newline. The newline that follows \ is removed.

Yes, you are right, but I need to list all the words which doesnt start with "-"

So I want to see the output as:

cls/dw_realease1 cls/dw_realease2 cls/dw_realease4 cls/dw_realease6

basically omitting cls/dw_realease3 and cls/dw_realease5

echo $(echo $PGM_LIST | awk -v RS=" " '!/-/')

thanks! this is all I needed. Thanks for your help!

grep -v '^-'

echo $PGM_LIST|sed 's/-[^ ]* //g'