Help with bash script


I need help.
I create www page, and I have link, where is weather and is updated each hour.
And I need cut only weather from source code.
Monday : 12/14

I have this

wget -O - $INFILE | (

    while read LINE; do

        echo $LINE | grep -q 'what find'
        if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then



        DECLARE=`echo $LINE | sed -e 's/vzor/substituce/'`

        printf "output"

Can help me finish it?? I dont know where is ...

Given the skeleton of the script, the links to descriptions of sed and grep, and the fact that you've posted homework before, I have to ask: is this homework again?

No, I do this for my friend he want it to his page.

Could you please explain the difference between the problem here:

and the current?

You claim that you need this for your friends homepage. Please post the underlying CGI-script or whatever you use to generate the web page.

Sorry, but somehow I'm not convinced that this isn't homework at all. In fact i suppose someone somewhere has written you the script-sketch you presented here and you want us to do the further work after someone has already done the starter work for you.

I suppose this link is no news to you, is it?

Parsovani (Bash)

-closed and reopened only after you convince me of being innocent -
