Help with an svn repo and new mount points.

Forgive me if this seems convoluted, I am stuck in a shell all day long and don't get out much.

We had issues with growing two RAID0 volumes at AWS, so we added two more volumes (RAID0) with larger capacity and rysnc'd 33G of data over after mounting.

/dev/md0 40G 33G 7.6G 81% /mnt/data-files
/dev/md2 80G 33G 48G 41% /mnt/data-files2


the client/owner uses svn+ssh://aws - xxxx - svn/opt/svn/repos/ftbweb with tortoiseSVN client.
The DEVS may use a similar mechanism but the details are not known to me.

The relationship between between what the client uses in his svn client and these directories I do not understand. But that is another issue for another day, after this gets resolved. :slight_smile:

We want to ensure that the ftbweb repo is being written/updated to /mnt/data-files2 and not /mnt/data-files any further.

The obvious answer is to re-assign /dev/md2 as /dev/md0 in /etc/fstab and be done with it.

I have read numerous documents and tuts which haven't yielded productive results. What I got from those documents is do 1 or 2 things, along the lines of an svnadmin dump.

Is this a client issue or an svn repo issue?

Thank you all for your valuable time and invaluable experience.

is your client's SVN repo under /opt/svn/repos/ftpweb? atleast from above, it looks client is connecting to repo under /opt not under /mnt/data-files/svn/repos/ftpweb

post output from

ls -ld /opt/svn/repos/ftpweb

wondering if it is a softlink back into /mnt/data-files/svn/repos

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lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 20 2010-03-29 09:39 /opt/svn -> /mnt/data-files/svn/

It is a freaking symlink. I fear that I sort of panicked and posted my frustration here and 1 other board.

Upon further review, I found the symlink.

I know what to do now.


No problem. Glad I could help :slight_smile: