Help to find isutf8 utility for AIX 6.1

Hello everyone, I need to validate the file format for the UTF-8 standard. I know that "isutf8"utility is a part of "moreutils" pkg, I was able to find this package for the Linux but my environment in the AIX 6.1.
I would be greatly appreciate your suggestion to my search. I am not familiar with searching packages through the mirrors.
Thank you,

Did you consider using the file utility:

file -i /tmp/sed_example.txt 
/tmp/sed_example.txt: text/plain; charset=utf-8

Thank you Rubi for prompt replay, this command is not much help for me, because I get different info back as:

misaixtst10:/informatica/9.1.0.old/server/infa_shared/TgtFiles$>file -i full_policy*.dat
full_policy-insured-vehicle_20141027_114023_c.dat: regular file
full_policy-party-address_20141027_114019_c.dat: regular file
full_policy-party-contact-number_20141028_104501_c.dat: regular file
full_policy-party_20141027_114010_c.dat: regular file
full_policy-previous-incident_20141027_114113_c.dat: regular file
full_policy-processor_20141027_134400_c.dat: regular file
full_policy-section-of-cover_20141027_114029_c.dat: regular file
full_policy-section-of-cover_20141030_091404_c.dat: regular file
full_policy_20141027_140317_c.dat: regular file

Maybe explaining a bit your issue if any or what you is on your mind, we could maybe help you find an alternative e.g. I receive xml files that messes up my data treatment so I had to write something to check and convert, typically UTF-8 announced as that arent... that I convert to iso-8859-1, the first part of my script (I am here on AIX 7.1...) uses a simple test:

# test 1:
iconv -f UTF-8 -t 8859-1  $FNAM01 >$FNAM01.mod

If return code 0, its a UTF-8... Only Im unlucky and have often value 2 so it continues further...

Thank you moderator for the replay on my post, I am new in the forum and still learning how to ask question.
I am working as a QA sofware analyst and I need to verify the extract, transfer and load of the files before they go to the customer. I need to verify if the files in UTF-8 format. I also tried the command as
iconv -f UTF-8 fullpolicy*.dat -o /dev/null and see if the return 0 or 1 but I have not gotten a return numbers, probably I have not used my command properly. I am not a developer and learning from the internet to work in unix. Would you please explain how I can check the files without converting them and know what format is.

As you have seen in my example, you have no choice other than to convert and see if its successful, the result (converted file) you dont keep that is all...
Try that bit of code I gave you in a script and echo TST01=$TST01
the reason of $FNAM01 was because I was reading files in input in a loop where the test is nested...