help required for replacing text in vi

Any one pls give me command in vi to replace /opt/usr with /home/reddy/dump .... i tried escaping / with \ bt its not working...

thanks in advance

At the : prompt type


In vi:


QED! (quite easily done!)


u can use anydelimiter ...since ur string cntains too many slashes, therefore to avoid escaping all the slashes and messy syntex... this 1 'll be the simplest.


@dewets : why u again esacpe the slashes... if u alreadyusing delim as "#".
i dont think its needed...
is there any other reason..... correct me if i m wrong...

Yes, thats correct.

When '#' is used as delimiter no need to use '/' as '\/'

but using '#' when the patten contains '/' adds more readability

better use perl search and replace.