Help needed to split a line

How can i split a line of string into two lines.

I would like to format the below string:

Filesystem 1M-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on /abc/def/xyz 34567 2345 12345 90% /test


Filesystem 1M-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/abc/def/xyz 34567 2345 12345 90% /test

Can anyone plz help me with this...

Thanks in Advance!!!

Where are you getting this string from (complete command please), and how do you output it (again, complete command please)?

Thanks for replying. This is the script which emails the disk usage report.


#Writing to a file
exec > report.txt

#Check the amount of disk space
checksize=`df -h /test` 

echo $checksize

#email the file
cat report.txt | mail

And this is how it displays on the email

Filesystem 1M-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on /abc/def/xyz 34567 2345 12345 90% /test

But i want it to be displayed like this

Filesystem 1M-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/abc/def/xyz 34567 2345 12345 90% /test

Please help!!
Thank You!!!


echo "$checksize"

instead. For an explanation please take a look at the many many threads concerned with quoting.

It works...Thanks a lot!!!