Help mounting nfs on boot on Solaris 11

Hello, I am looking for some assistance in mounting an nfs drive on boot, on a Solaris 11 machine.

On my Solaris 9/10 machines, I have an entry for my nfs mount in /etc/vfstab, however when I add the same entry to my vfstab on Solaris 11, the drive will not mount on boot. After booting up, I can run the command "mount asdf:/asdf /asdf" and it will mount properly. This is the entry in my vfstab:

#device         device          mount           FS      fsck    mount   mount
#to mount       to fsck         point           type    pass    at boot options
asdf:/asdf        -       	/asdf           nfs     -       yes     vers=3,rw

Did they change something about vfstab on Solaris 11? :confused: Thank you in advance.

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Did you enable nfs/client service?

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Hello bartus11, I believe it wasn't enabled before so I enabled it and rebooted the machine, but my nfs drive was still not mounted.

root@vm-sun11x86-64:/etc/default# svcadm -v enable network/nfs/client
svc:/network/nfs/client:default enabled.
root@vm-sun11x86-64:/etc/default# reboot

Oracle Corporation SunOS 5.11 11.0 November 2011
root@vm-sun11x86-64:~# cd /asdf
root@vm-sun11x86-64:/asdf# ls

I'd like to note that the mount -a command will mount it properly as well.

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Consider using the automounter.

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Since this issue is several months old I will assume it was either resolved or a workaround devised but I did run into the same issue on Solaris 11 and it was not enough to simply enable nfs/client. I had to use the -r option to enable all its dependencies as well. This fixed the issue for me:

svcadm enable -r nfs/client

shows if everything is ok with daemons

svcs -xv

shows if nfs bind service is up. (as i recall it should be on port 111)

netstat -f inet -an

do you have firewall installed?

cat /etc/ipf/ipf.conf

or any other...

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