Help Me With the Loop.

I am inputing three variables in the script where i am running loop for two right now my output is coming like



But i want output like




Please suggest what i will do now ? Do i have to save the output in three different files or is there any way where we can accumulate same type of output together? Please suggest!!

Looks to me like you have something like this algorithm:

FOR loop in 1 2
   process A
   process B
   process C

What you need is something more like this one:

FOR X in A B C
   FOR loop in 1 2
      process X

I hope this helps.


Hello Andrew,

Thanks for the reply.. Please check the below code......

echo -n "enter the number of ports :"
read N-----------------------------"i/p value for the loop run"
for (( i=1;i<N+1;i++ ))
#############STEP 4:---Enter the director name##################
echo -n "enter the director name :"
read NAME;
############STEP 5:----Enter the port number####################
echo -n "enter the port num :"
read NUM;
echo -e "\n" >>/tmp/$hostname
echo "##Write Disable##">>/tmp/$hostname----taking o/p in external file.
echo -e "\n" >>/tmp/$hostname

cat /tmp/devices | awk '{print "/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid" "'" $sid "'" "write_disable " $1 " -SA" "'" $NAME "'" "-p "'" $NUM "'" " }' >> /tmp/$hostname

echo "##Device Unmap##">>/tmp/$hostname
echo -e "\n" >>/tmp/$hostname

cat  /tmp/devices | awk '{print "unmap dev " $1 " from dir " "'"$NAME"'"":""'"$NUM"'" ";"}'>> /tmp/$hostname

device=`cat /tmp/devices | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/,/g'`
#################enter the wwn associated with this ######################
echo -n "enter the wwn associated with the above director port :"
read wwn
echo "symmask -sid $sid -wwn  $wwn -dir "$NAME" -p "$NUM" remove devs $device" >>/tmp/$hostname


after running the above code i am getting below o/p like this ....

/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 4002 write_disable 29ce -SA 4B -p 0
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 4002 write_disable 1ec8 -SA 4B -p 0
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 4002 write_disable 1ed1 -SA 4B -p 0
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 4002 write_disable 1eda -SA 4B -p 0
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 4002 write_disable 1ed0 -SA 4B -p 0
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 4002 write_disable 3aa1 -SA 4B -p 0
##Device Unmap##

unmap dev 29ce from dir 4B:0;
unmap dev 1ec8 from dir 4B:0;
unmap dev 1ed1 from dir 4B:0;
unmap dev 1eda from dir 4B:0;
unmap dev 1ed0 from dir 4B:0;
unmap dev 3aa1 from dir 4B:0;
symmask -sid 4002 -wwn  2100001b3283a261 -dir 4B -p 0 remove devs 29ce  0B7,1ec8        0B8,1ed1        0B9,1eda 0BA,1ed0 0BB,3aa1        0BC

##Write Disable##

/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 4002 write_disable 29ce -SA 13B -p 0
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 4002 write_disable 1ec8 -SA 13B -p 0
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 4002 write_disable 1ed1 -SA 13B -p 0
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 4002 write_disable 1eda -SA 13B -p 0
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 4002 write_disable 1ed0 -SA 13B -p 0
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 4002 write_disable 3aa1 -SA 13B -p 0
##Device Unmap##

unmap dev 29ce from dir 13B:0;
unmap dev 1ec8 from dir 13B:0;
unmap dev 1ed1 from dir 13B:0;
unmap dev 1eda from dir 13B:0;
unmap dev 1ed0 from dir 13B:0;
unmap dev 3aa1 from dir 13B:0;
symmask -sid 4002 -wwn  2100001b32832954 -dir 13B -p 0 remove devs 29ce 0B7,1ec8        0B8,1ed1        0B9,1eda 0BA,1ed0 0BB,3aa1        0BC

But i want my o/p look like this ,,,..i want all the commands o/p in one file and i m not sure how to apply your concept here.

/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 4002 write_disable 29ce -SA 4B -p 0
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 4002 write_disable 1ec8 -SA 4B -p 0
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 4002 write_disable 1ed1 -SA 4B -p 0
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 4002 write_disable 1eda -SA 4B -p 0
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 4002 write_disable 1ed0 -SA 4B -p 0
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 4002 write_disable 3aa1 -SA 4B -p 0
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 4002 write_disable 29ce -SA 13B -p 0
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 4002 write_disable 1ec8 -SA 13B -p 0
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 4002 write_disable 1ed1 -SA 13B -p 0
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 4002 write_disable 1eda -SA 13B -p 0
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 4002 write_disable 1ed0 -SA 13B -p 0
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 4002 write_disable 3aa1 -SA 13B -p 0
##Device Unmap##
unmap dev 29ce from dir 4B:0;
unmap dev 1ec8 from dir 4B:0;
unmap dev 1ed1 from dir 4B:0;
unmap dev 1eda from dir 4B:0;
unmap dev 1ed0 from dir 4B:0;
unmap dev 3aa1 from dir 4B:0;
unmap dev 29ce from dir 13B:0;
unmap dev 1ec8 from dir 13B:0;
unmap dev 1ed1 from dir 13B:0;
unmap dev 1eda from dir 13B:0;
unmap dev 1ed0 from dir 13B:0;
unmap dev 3aa1 from dir 13B:0;

symmask -sid 4002 -wwn  2100001b3283a261 -dir 4B -p 0 remove devs 29ce  0B7,1ec8        0B8,1ed1        0B9,1eda 0BA,1ed0 0BB,3aa1        0BC
symmask -sid 4002 -wwn  2100001b32832954 -dir 13B -p 0 remove devs 29ce 0B7,1ec8        0B8,1ed1        0B9,1eda 0BA,1ed0 0BB,3aa1        0BC

Please put your code into code blocks - it makes it easier to read.

If you read the directory and port numbers into arrays you could loop over each array:

declare -A dirs ports
for (( i=0;i<N;i++ ))
   printf "enter directory "
   read dirs[$i]
   printf "endter port number "
   read ports[$i]
for DIR in ${dirs[@]}
for PORT in ${ports[@]}


Hello Andrew i have tried the below code

echo -n "enter the sid for DMX :"
read sid
declare -A dirs ports
echo -n "enter the number of ports :"
read N
for (( i=0;i<N;i++ ))
   echo "enter director "
   read dirs[$i]
   echo "enter port number "
   read ports[$i]
for DIR in ${dirs[@]}
cat /tmp/devices | awk '{print "/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid" "'" $sid "'" "write_disable " $1 " -SA" "'" $DIR "'" "-p "'" $NUM "'" "}'
cat  /tmp/devices | awk '{print "unmap dev " $1 " from dir " "'"$DIR"'"":""'"$NUM"'" ";"}'
for NUM in ${ports[@]}
cat /tmp/devices | awk '{print "/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid" "'" $sid "'" "write_disable " $1 " -SA" "'" $DIR "'" "-p "'" $NUM "'" "}'
cat  /tmp/devices | awk '{print "unmap dev " $1 " from dir " "'"$DIR"'"":""'"$NUM"'" ";"}'


enter the sid for DMX :022
enter the number of ports :2
enter director
enter port number
enter director
enter port number
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 022 write_disable 29ce -SA 12a -p
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 022 write_disable 1ec8 -SA 12a -p
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 022 write_disable 1ed1 -SA 12a -p
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 022 write_disable 1eda -SA 12a -p
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 022 write_disable 1ed0 -SA 12a -p
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 022 write_disable 3aa1 -SA 12a -p
unmap dev 29ce from dir 12a:;
unmap dev 1ec8 from dir 12a:;
unmap dev 1ed1 from dir 12a:;
unmap dev 1eda from dir 12a:;
unmap dev 1ed0 from dir 12a:;
unmap dev 3aa1 from dir 12a:;
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 022 write_disable 29ce -SA 13a -p
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 022 write_disable 1ec8 -SA 13a -p
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 022 write_disable 1ed1 -SA 13a -p
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 022 write_disable 1eda -SA 13a -p
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 022 write_disable 1ed0 -SA 13a -p
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 022 write_disable 3aa1 -SA 13a -p
unmap dev 29ce from dir 13a:;
unmap dev 1ec8 from dir 13a:;
unmap dev 1ed1 from dir 13a:;
unmap dev 1eda from dir 13a:;
unmap dev 1ed0 from dir 13a:;
unmap dev 3aa1 from dir 13a:;
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 022 write_disable 29ce -SA 13a -p 1
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 022 write_disable 1ec8 -SA 13a -p 1
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 022 write_disable 1ed1 -SA 13a -p 1
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 022 write_disable 1eda -SA 13a -p 1
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 022 write_disable 1ed0 -SA 13a -p 1
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 022 write_disable 3aa1 -SA 13a -p 1
unmap dev 29ce from dir 13a:1;
unmap dev 1ec8 from dir 13a:1;
unmap dev 1ed1 from dir 13a:1;
unmap dev 1eda from dir 13a:1;
unmap dev 1ed0 from dir 13a:1;
unmap dev 3aa1 from dir 13a:1;
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 022 write_disable 29ce -SA 13a -p 1
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 022 write_disable 1ec8 -SA 13a -p 1
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 022 write_disable 1ed1 -SA 13a -p 1
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 022 write_disable 1eda -SA 13a -p 1
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 022 write_disable 1ed0 -SA 13a -p 1
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 022 write_disable 3aa1 -SA 13a -p 1
unmap dev 29ce from dir 13a:1;
unmap dev 1ec8 from dir 13a:1;
unmap dev 1ed1 from dir 13a:1;
unmap dev 1eda from dir 13a:1;
unmap dev 1ed0 from dir 13a:1;
unmap dev 3aa1 from dir 13a:1;

My objective is to enter the inputs "dir" and "port" at the same time. Also, i want when i run loop number of times same set of commands will concat.

Please let me know if you did nt get me i will provide you examples...

If you replace the

for var in ${array[@]}

form with the numeric for used earlier you can access both arrays in each loop:


(the names here are as an example) I hope this helps


Thanks for your quick reply Andrew!! but, can you please elaborate it little more i have two inputs "dir" and "ports" and i am not sure how to use them with your example...

i googled little bit and got the below format ..but it is not working with the above code not sure what i am doing wrong?

for DIR,NUM in ${dirs[@]} ${ports[@]}

What I said was to do something like below in red.

for (( i=0;i<N;i++ ))
   echo "enter director and port number"
   read dirs[$i] ports[$i]
for (( i=0;i<N;i++ ))
   cat /tmp/devices | awk '{print "/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid" "'" $sid "'" "write_disable " $1 " -SA" "'" $DIR "'" "-p "'" $NUM "'" "}'
   cat  /tmp/devices | awk '{print "unmap dev " $1 " from dir " "'"$DIR"'"":""'"$NUM"'" ";"}'
for (( i=0;i<N;i++ ))
   cat /tmp/devices | awk '{print "/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid" "'" $sid "'" "write_disable " $1 " -SA" "'" $DIR "'" "-p "'" $NUM "'" "}'
   cat  /tmp/devices | awk '{print "unmap dev " $1 " from dir " "'"$DIR"'"":""'"$NUM"'" ";"}'


1 Like

Hi nirjhar17,
To get the output you said you wanted in the 3rd message in this thread (except for inconsistent spacing in the output you showed in the symmask commands), the following shell and awk script seems to do what you want. This script will work with any POSIX conforming shell (including bash and ksh). The sed command you gave in your script didn't work on OS X, so I built it into the awk script. (I assume that the file /tmp/devices contains:

29ce 0B7
1ec8        0B8
1ed1        0B9
1eda 0BA
1ed0 0BB
3aa1        0BC

from what you said you wanted in the symmask commands. But, one of the symmask commands shows one space in the 1st line and the other symmask command shows two spaces in the 1st line???)

Anyway, with the script:

hostname="testhost"     # This variable was used but not defined in the sample.
# Note that following prompts are written to stderr, not stdout; stdout is going
# into awk.
# Gather the user supplied input:
(       # Create subshell to feed all printf output from this subshell to awk.
printf 'enter the sid for DMX: ' >&2
read SID
printf "%s\n" "$SID"    # Pass SID to awk...
# Determine number of ports to be processed...
printf 'enter the number of ports: ' >&2
read N
for ((i = 1; i <= N; i++))
do      # Prompt for and read dirtor, port, and wwn for this port...
        printf "enter director $i: " >&2
        read DIR
        printf "enter port number $i: " >&2
        read PORT
        printf "enter wwn associted with director $DIR port $PORT: " >&2
        read WWN
        # pass DIR PORT, & WWN to awk...
        printf "%s %s %s\n" "$DIR" "$PORT" "$WWN"
done ) | awk '
# Get sid from start of script above.
NR == 1 {
        sid = $0
# Read output written by above shell for loop into awk arrays...
FNR == NR {
        dir[++np] = $1  # director for port NR
        port[np] = $2   # port for port NR
        wwn[np] = $3    # wwn for port NR
# Read data from /tmp/devices...
{       devs = nd == 0 ? $0 : devs "," $0
        dev[++nd] = $1
# Print the commands associated with the accumulated data...
END {   for(i = 1; i <= np; i++) {
                for (j = 1; j <= nd; j++) {
                        # Print symdev commands...
                        printf("%s -sid %s write_disable %s -SA %s -p %s\n",
                                sid, dev[j], dir, port)
        printf("##Device Unmap##\n")
        for(i = 1; i <= np; i++) {
                for (j = 1; j <= nd; j++) {
                        # Print unmap commands...
                        printf("unmap dev %s from dir %s:%s;\n",
                                dev[j], dir, port)
        print ""
        for(i = 1; i <= np; i++)
                # Print symmask commands...
                printf("%s -sid %s -wwn  %s -dir %s -p %s remove devs %s\n",
                        "symmask", sid, wwn, dir, port, devs)

}' - /tmp/devices > /tmp/"$hostname"

(If you want to run this on a Solaris/SunOS system, use /usr/xpg4/bin/awk , /usr/xpg6/bin/awk , or nawk instead of awk .)

With the prompts (shown in black) and the responses (shown in blue):

enter the sid for DMX: 4002
enter the number of ports: 2
enter director 1: 4B
enter port number 1: 0
enter wwn associted with director 4B port 0: 2100001b3283a261
enter director 2: 13B
enter port number 2: 0
enter wwn associted with director 13B port 0: 2100001b32832954

the output stored in /tmp/"$hostname" is:

/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 4002 write_disable 29ce -SA 4B -p 0
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 4002 write_disable 1ec8 -SA 4B -p 0
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 4002 write_disable 1ed1 -SA 4B -p 0
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 4002 write_disable 1eda -SA 4B -p 0
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 4002 write_disable 1ed0 -SA 4B -p 0
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 4002 write_disable 3aa1 -SA 4B -p 0
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 4002 write_disable 29ce -SA 13B -p 0
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 4002 write_disable 1ec8 -SA 13B -p 0
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 4002 write_disable 1ed1 -SA 13B -p 0
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 4002 write_disable 1eda -SA 13B -p 0
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 4002 write_disable 1ed0 -SA 13B -p 0
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 4002 write_disable 3aa1 -SA 13B -p 0
##Device Unmap##
unmap dev 29ce from dir 4B:0;
unmap dev 1ec8 from dir 4B:0;
unmap dev 1ed1 from dir 4B:0;
unmap dev 1eda from dir 4B:0;
unmap dev 1ed0 from dir 4B:0;
unmap dev 3aa1 from dir 4B:0;
unmap dev 29ce from dir 13B:0;
unmap dev 1ec8 from dir 13B:0;
unmap dev 1ed1 from dir 13B:0;
unmap dev 1eda from dir 13B:0;
unmap dev 1ed0 from dir 13B:0;
unmap dev 3aa1 from dir 13B:0;

symmask -sid 4002 -wwn  2100001b3283a261 -dir 4B -p 0 remove devs 29ce 0B7,1ec8        0B8,1ed1        0B9,1eda 0BA,1ed0 0BB,3aa1        0BC
symmask -sid 4002 -wwn  2100001b32832954 -dir 13B -p 0 remove devs 29ce 0B7,1ec8        0B8,1ed1        0B9,1eda 0BA,1ed0 0BB,3aa1        0BC

The difference between this output and the output you said you wanted is:

< symmask -sid 4002 -wwn  2100001b3283a261 -dir 4B -p 0 remove devs 29ce 0B7,1ec8        0B8,1ed1        0B9,1eda 0BA,1ed0 0BB,3aa1        0BC
> symmask -sid 4002 -wwn  2100001b3283a261 -dir 4B -p 0 remove devs 29ce  0B7,1ec8        0B8,1ed1        0B9,1eda 0BA,1ed0 0BB,3aa1        0BC

In addition to producing the output you said you wanted, since this script has one invocation of awk (instead of six invocations of cat, two invocations of sed, and four invocations of awk), it should also run a little bit faster.

1 Like

Thanks Don!! And thanks for the wonderful code. But can you please look in to my code also and tell me how to modify my code so that i will get my write disable,unmap and symmask commands together like your o/p...i have tried my code in solaris and for symmask there was no issue with the spacing ...i have pasted all the o/p's for your reference ...Thanks again!!

$ cat /tmp/devices

MY code

echo -n "enter the host name for which we are performing deallocation :"
read hostname
echo -n "enter the date when we are performing Deallocation :"
read date
echo -n "enter the sid for DMX :"
read sid

echo "##Vcmdb Backup##">>/tmp/$hostname
echo -e "\n" >>/tmp/$hostname
echo "symmaskob -sid $sid list database  > db.list.$date">>/tmp/$hostname
echo "symmaskob -sid $sid list database  > db.list.$date.1">>/tmp/$hostname
echo -e "\n" >>/tmp/$hostname

echo -n "enter the number of ports :"
read N
for (( i=1;i<N+1;i++ ))
#############STEP 4:---Enter the director name##################
echo -n "enter the director name :"
read NAME;
############STEP 5:----Enter the port number####################
echo -n "enter the port num :"
read NUM;
echo -e "\n" >>/tmp/$hostname
echo "##Write Disable##">>/tmp/$hostname
echo -e "\n" >>/tmp/$hostname

cat /tmp/devices | awk '{print "/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid" "'" $sid "'" "write_disable " $1 " -SA" "'" $NAME "'" "-p "'" $NUM "'" " }' >> /tmp/$hostname

echo "##Device Unmap##">>/tmp/$hostname
echo -e "\n" >>/tmp/$hostname

cat  /tmp/devices | awk '{print "unmap dev " $1 " from dir " "'"$NAME"'"":""'"$NUM"'" ";"}'>> /tmp/$hostname

device=`cat /tmp/devices | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/,/g'`
#################enter the wwn associated with this ######################
echo -n "enter the wwn associated with the above director port :"
read wwn
echo "symmask -sid $sid -wwn  $wwn -dir "$NAME" -p "$NUM" remove devs $device" >>/tmp/$hostname



enter the host name for which we are performing deallocation :tlx66was
enter the date when we are performing Deallocation :20130913
enter the sid for DMX :4002
enter the number of ports :2
enter the director name :12a
enter the port num :1
enter the wwn associated with the above director port :210000e08b892cd6
enter the director name :5a
enter the port num :1
enter the wwn associated with the above director port :210000e08b8976d5

 cat /tmp/tlx66was ##################This is my o/p file which is containing below result##############

##Vcmdb Backup##

symmaskob -sid 4002 list database  > db.list.20130913
symmaskob -sid 4002 list database  > db.list.20130913.1

##Write Disable##

/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 4002 write_disable 29ce -SA 12a -p 1
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 4002 write_disable 1ec8 -SA 12a -p 1
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 4002 write_disable 1ed1 -SA 12a -p 1
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 4002 write_disable 1eda -SA 12a -p 1
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 4002 write_disable 1ed0 -SA 12a -p 1
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 4002 write_disable 3aa1 -SA 12a -p 1
##Device Unmap##

unmap dev 29ce from dir 12a:1;
unmap dev 1ec8 from dir 12a:1;
unmap dev 1ed1 from dir 12a:1;
unmap dev 1eda from dir 12a:1;
unmap dev 1ed0 from dir 12a:1;
unmap dev 3aa1 from dir 12a:1;
symmask -sid 4002 -wwn  210000e08b892cd6 -dir 12a -p 1 remove devs 29ce,1ec8,1ed1,1eda,1ed0,3aa1

##Write Disable##

/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 4002 write_disable 29ce -SA 5a -p 1
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 4002 write_disable 1ec8 -SA 5a -p 1
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 4002 write_disable 1ed1 -SA 5a -p 1
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 4002 write_disable 1eda -SA 5a -p 1
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 4002 write_disable 1ed0 -SA 5a -p 1
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 4002 write_disable 3aa1 -SA 5a -p 1
##Device Unmap##

unmap dev 29ce from dir 5a:1;
unmap dev 1ec8 from dir 5a:1;
unmap dev 1ed1 from dir 5a:1;
unmap dev 1eda from dir 5a:1;
unmap dev 1ed0 from dir 5a:1;
unmap dev 3aa1 from dir 5a:1;
symmask -sid 4002 -wwn  210000e08b8976d5 -dir 5a -p 1 remove devs 29ce,1ec8,1ed1,1eda,1ed0,3aa1

Desired output

enter the host name for which we are performing deallocation :tlx66was
enter the date when we are performing Deallocation :20130913
enter the sid for DMX :4002
enter the number of ports :2
enter the director name :12a
enter the port num :1
enter the wwn associated with the above director port :210000e08b892cd6
enter the director name :5a
enter the port num :1
enter the wwn associated with the above director port :210000e08b8976d5

##Vcmdb Backup##

symmaskob -sid 4002 list database  > db.list.20130913
symmaskob -sid 4002 list database  > db.list.20130913.1

##Write Disable##

/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 4002 write_disable 29ce -SA 12a -p 1
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 4002 write_disable 1ec8 -SA 12a -p 1
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 4002 write_disable 1ed1 -SA 12a -p 1
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 4002 write_disable 1eda -SA 12a -p 1
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 4002 write_disable 1ed0 -SA 12a -p 1
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 4002 write_disable 3aa1 -SA 12a -p 1
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 4002 write_disable 29ce -SA 5a -p 1
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 4002 write_disable 1ec8 -SA 5a -p 1
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 4002 write_disable 1ed1 -SA 5a -p 1
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 4002 write_disable 1eda -SA 5a -p 1
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 4002 write_disable 1ed0 -SA 5a -p 1
/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid 4002 write_disable 3aa1 -SA 5a -p 1

##Device Unmap##

unmap dev 29ce from dir 12a:1;
unmap dev 1ec8 from dir 12a:1;
unmap dev 1ed1 from dir 12a:1;
unmap dev 1eda from dir 12a:1;
unmap dev 1ed0 from dir 12a:1;
unmap dev 3aa1 from dir 12a:1;
unmap dev 29ce from dir 5a:1;
unmap dev 1ec8 from dir 5a:1;
unmap dev 1ed1 from dir 5a:1;
unmap dev 1eda from dir 5a:1;
unmap dev 1ed0 from dir 5a:1;
unmap dev 3aa1 from dir 5a:1;

symmask -sid 4002 -wwn  210000e08b892cd6 -dir 12a -p 1 remove devs 29ce,1ec8,1ed1,1eda,1ed0,3aa1
symmask -sid 4002 -wwn  210000e08b8976d5 -dir 5a -p 1 remove devs 29ce,1ec8,1ed1,1eda,1ed0,3aa1

The contents of /tmp/devices in your earlier example clearly had two columns of data per line; not one. With the above contents of /tmp/devices, there would be no spacing problem. (The only spacing problem in the data you provided before was that the results when your ran your sed command twice with the same input data produced one more space in the output on one of the runs than it did on the other. I expect that it was a cut and paste error, unless the contents of /tmp/devices was being changed by something else while your script was running.)

Having given you a portable, relatively fast script that should work reliably on any Linux or UNIX system using any bash or ksh shell, I have no desire to try to fix your script to work on a system where I can't test it. (The forms of echo in your script and the sed script that you're using do not work on OS X on the MacBook Pro laptop system where I test the examples I provide for this forum. And all of the invocations of cat that are in your script only serve to unnecessarily consume system resources slowing down your script and making the system less responsive for any other users who may be running other code on your system at the same time.)

If you gather the director, port, and wwn data in shell arrays at the start of your shell script and use un-nested and nested for loops in your shell script mimicking the for loops in the awk script I gave you, you should be able to duplicate the output my awk script produced.

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Yes, i can understand. Thanks Don!!