Help changing date output with AWK

Hello all,
I have an issue where I'm trying to change a date in a csv text file. The file contains lines that have several fields. For example

"John", "Smith","some_address","some_city","555-555-5555","11/11/1972"

The date is separated by the "/" and is the date is the last field in the record, Field 12. What I would like to do is run AWK against the file and change the date from
dd/mm/yyyy to YYYYMMDD and have it stay in the same field on all records, so the output will look like this


I tried:

$ awk -F "/" '{print $3, $2, $1}'

but that returns the records in the format


Any one out there know how to solve this? Thanks in advance

Any ideas on how to accomplish this?

sed 's/"\(..\)\/\(..\)\/\(....\)"/"\3\2\1"/' file

its long solution but jsut gives an idea how to do it with AWK:

awk -F\, '{split($NF,a,"[/\"]");{$NF="\""a[4]a[3]a[2]"\""}}1' OFS=\, FILE

Thanks, but that didn't seem to do it. The date remained the same

If you are using Solaris then use "nawk or /usr/xpg4/bin/awk" instead of awk:

nawk -F\, '{split($NF,a,"[/\"]");{$NF="\""a[4]a[3]a[2]"\""}}1' OFS=\, FILE

and SED will only change standard output that is screen so u should redirect the SED solution to another file:

sed 's/"\(..\)\/\(..\)\/\(....\)"/"\3\2\1"/' file > myfile.csv
awk -F\" '{split($(NF-1),a,"\/");sub($(NF-1),a[3]a[2]a[1])}1'  infile

Why your code doesn't need OFS=\" ?

awk -F\" '{split($(NF-1),a,"/");$(NF-1)=a[3]a[2]a[1]}1' OFS=\" urfile