Help - can't extend logical volume ?


Smit "Increase the Size of a Logical Volume" command failed. Output:
Command: failed stdout: yes stderr: no

Before command completion, additional instructions may appear below.

The distribution of this command (111) failed on one or more passive nodes.
0516-788 extendlv: Unable to extend logical volume.

What could be the reason for this ?


You probably ran out of LP's...
When a LV gets created/defined, it gets a "MAX LPs" value which represents the maximum number of logical partitions that can be defined for the LV.

Use smitty or lslv <lv_name> to show you the current # of LPs in use and the Max LPs.

The 2 items you want to look at are :

MAX LPs: 512
LPs: 1

In this case above, the LV can be expanded 511 more Logical Partitions. PP Size will show you how big each partition is.

My guess is that in your case, the MAX LPs = LPs and thus you cannot extend the size of the LV - at least not until you increase the size of MAX LPs.

Use the command

chlv -x <nr-of-LPs> <LVName>

to increase the maximum. The upper bound (imposed by the LVM itself) is 32.512 LPs per LV.
