Help: Bash backup script (includes copy, test-

Basically it's for a work assignment.
Have to make a menu with the following choices


1) Show Current Directory
2) Dispaly Current Time and Date
3) Copy
4) Change Password
5) write directory to file
6) Edit File Directory
7) Make backup from /home/user
8) Show proces of this script
9) Show name and version of OS
10) Close and Shutdown System
q) Stop

I managed to do all of them using a check-function with a case inside it.

echo `pwd`

echo `date`

/////////funcion which takes you back to choice menu

4) wijzigpaswoord

5) dumb -f dirdump.dmp `pwd`

6) vi `pwd`/dirdump.dmp


8) ps -ef grep menu

9)echo `uname -ov`

10) shutdown -P now



Only problem is the 7th option. I have absolutely no clue whatsoever how to do this thing or how to make it happen.
Figured as last hope I'll try here to see if there are any Linux-experts at work.

What 7 should do:

choice 7, make a back up of the current directory, in this case home/user .all files in this directory should be copied first to filename.back after which, they have to be copied to directory /backup, make a a test if this directory exists, if not create it. If the files are transfered, remove the bac-files from your directory.

If anybody can help me, thx in advance. :slight_smile:

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