Having a problem with a FTP Script using perl

Hello All,

I have a problem that has me stumped. I am using perl to do some ftp'ing of files. I have the script in place on another environment that is functioning flawlessly. But after tweaking it to the new environment I can't get it to function. I have a search string that searches for the file name and then executes the file and deletion of that file after the ftp. The only difference between the two environments is the file name is slightly different. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I use a XML file that contains the host information. I have included the following information:

Functioning Environment:
File Defination:file.serv1.YYYYMMDDhhmm-[0-9]{4}.log
File name: file.serv1.200712192300-0500.log

XML File Info:
<host_list hostname="serv1" althostname="" username="ftpuser" password="passwd">

$searchFilter = $remoteName."\$";
$searchFilter =~ s/YYYYMMDDhhmm/[0-9]{12}/;

            @files = sort grep \(/$searchFilter/, @files\);

Non-Functioning Environment:
File Defination: fileYYYYMMDD.log
File name: file20071219.log

XML File Info:
<host_list hostname="serv1" althostname="" username="ftpuser" password="passwd">

$searchFilter = $remoteName."\$";
$searchFilter =~ s/YYYYMMDD/[0-9]{8}/;

            @files = sort grep \(/$searchFilter/, @files\);

Any Ideas?

Thanks in Advance.

You have dropped a period.

Sorry that is a typo. I have the period there. I have updated the orginal post to reflect the typo.

You have an extra 1 before the year date there.....

Yeah that was just the example I typed for reference. It doesn't have that 1 in the file name. Here also is the output for what it is looking for so it appears to posting the information from the xml to the ftp script but the search string appears to be the issue I think:

DEBUG [3390] : Processing Fileset: remoteDir->targetlocation/targetdirectory/, remoteName->fileYYYYMMDD.log

Can you see the complete file list before it does the grep and sort?

It was a typo in the shell script that I use to call the perl script. It was pointing to the development script, so all the changes I was making were not working because I was using the wrong script. LOL Too many to-do items and not enough time to do them. LOL Thanks for your help