Hardware Problem

the Cureent PC Dell GX620
the Current Hardware
4 GB ram
80 HDD

what i do
remove old 4GB ram and install 8 GB
remove old HDD and install new on 160GB

try to install the Unix Sun Solaris
after booting and when arrive to step which i should select interactive
error meg apper to me for 1 sec and the system go to restart

the BIOS read 8 GB RAM

when i remove 4 GB RAM and try to install all thing is going OK

what is the problem

thanks in advance

Turn in your BIOS physical memory address extension

i am search in my BIOS ABOUT any thing related memory extension
shall i have more explain

Do you have x64 bit processor

no i have x32 bit processor

That is the reason because you can see 8GB of RAM , your processor can register only 4 GB of ram , upgrade your CPU on x64 bit arhitecture and then you can use more than 8GB of RAM

thanks microbot for you effort helping me and i will make this upgrade

no problema