Growing a FS over 1T - can it be done ?

Greeting Forumers!

I've been asked to increase space in a FS that is currently 740G in size:

Filesystem             size   used  avail capacity  Mounted on
/dev/md/dsk/d664       740G   424G   308G    58%    /ora_back

My SAN administrator has allocated 5 LUNs of 200G each - this will make the total 1.7TB.

I know I can add the LUNs with 'metattach' but can I use 'growfs' to increase the FS size larger than 1 TB ? Are there any gotchas with growing a FS over 1TB that was not created with 1TB parameters?

I am running Solaris 10 8/07 on a v490 with kernel patch 141444-09 (latest).

Thanks in Advance!!

Do you really need a FS that size rather than two of approx 900GB?
I see mainly possible perf issue but not knowing what this space is for, it may not be the case...

vbe - I just go by what the DBA's request. Unfortunately, they run the show in my shop. :eek:

Any way, I thought I'd post the solution I implemented last night. It goes along the lines of what one of my college professors said many times: "If you can't find a solution, you need to redefine the problem until you can."

Since I was adding a larger filesystem than I had (1TB vs. 750GB), I created a metadevice of the 5 200GB disks and created a filesystem that would grow over 1TB (newfs -T). I then copied the existing filesystem onto the newly created filesystem, cleared the old metadevice and added those slices to the new device. Now I have a filesystem that I can grow above 1TB.

I imagine you have at least 2 HBAs, did you consider stripping or do you have a load balancing software/device ?