grep/sed/awk a value between 2 "

I have a log file where I'm trying to grep/awk/sed the value between the set of quotes following VALUE="somevalue" in somefile and > it to someotherfile, so take a line like

<NODE NAME="OS Version" VALUE="Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (build 2600) (5.1.2600)" TR="N=4102" />

and output

Microsoft Windows XP...

so I'm trying to read in each line in the file like this

c=$(cat somefile)
    for i in $c
        grep someregex > someotherfile

but I'm stuck there.

Given below are a few techniques for doing this. The redirection part is left for you as an exercise.

$ cat -n f1
     1    this is line # 1
     2    <NODE NAME="OS Version" VALUE="Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (build 2600) (5.1.2600)" TR="N=4102" />
     3    this is line # 3
$ # 1
$ grep VALUE= f1 | cut -d'"' -f4
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (build 2600) (5.1.2600)
$ # 2
$ sed -n 's/.*VALUE="\([^"]*\)".*/\1/p' f1
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (build 2600) (5.1.2600)
$ # 3
$ awk -F'"' '/VALUE=/{print $4}' f1
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (build 2600) (5.1.2600)
$ # 4
$ perl -lne '/.*VALUE="(.*?)".*/ && print $1' f1
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (build 2600) (5.1.2600)


wonderful, thank you very much, I appreciate the help :slight_smile:

This is a version of an awk clause that will work will any version of awk. It will also ignore lines in the file that don't have a VALUE= in it. And doesn't care where the VALUE= appears in the line. Usage: awk -f <file-with-awk-clause> <input-file>

# begin awk clause
# only look at input if it has a value k

# get position of Value key
# get the string from index to end
        v = substr($0, i+6)
# now get the value using split
        p = split(v, a, "\"")
# print it (index 1 is a empty string)
        print a[2]

# End awk clause

Example using cygwin:

$ cat v.test
line 1
<NODE NAME="OS Version" VALUE="Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2
(build 2600) (5.1.2600)" TR="N=4102" />
<NODE NAME="OS Version" VALUE="Microsoft Windows yP Professional Service Pack 2
(build 2600) (5.1.2600)" TR="N=4102" />

$ awk -f value.awk v.test
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (build 2600) (5.1.2600)
Microsoft Windows yP Professional Service Pack 2 (build 2600) (5.1.2600)

jp2542a :mad:

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I not understanding where I went wrong with my post.. please explain the specific error so I don't do it again.


Check your last post !