grep'ing and sed'ing chunks in bash... need help on speeding up a log parser.

I have a file that is 20 - 80+ MB in size that is a certain type of log file.

It logs one of our processes and this process is multi-threaded. Therefore the log file is kind of a mess. Here's an example:

The logfile looks like: "DATE TIME - THREAD ID - Details", and a new file is created for each day

Now, here's where it gets to be a pain... I need to pull out the lines from "Starting Session" to "Ending Session" for each Thread ID, and dump these to separate files. HOWEVER, the Thread ID CAN be duplicated over the course of a day -- but usually not for many hours.

A session can last from 30 seconds to 4 minutes or so (~1200 lines) in the logfile, and there can be up to 20 concurrent sessions.

Now, I have something that works -- although quite slowly. I end up grepping and sedding the file over and over. When the file gets large, it takes a MASSIVE amount of time. I am hoping that someone here can help me optimize this. If possible, I'd like to use bash.


Here is the code I have that works, but is _slow_

    if [[ -e "$log_file" ]]
        echo "parsing: "$log_file
        grep "starting session" $log_file | while read line 
            thread=`echo $line | cut -d' ' -f4`
            sessiontype=`echo $line | cut -d' ' -f6`
            sessionnumber=`echo $line | cut -d' ' -f7`

            echo "  first line of session: "${line:0:25}"..."
            line2=`echo  - $thread - $sessiontype $sessionnumber shutting down`
            echo "  last line of session: "${line2:0:25}"..."
            sed -n "/$line/,/$line2/p" $log_file | grep " - $thread - ">session.$thread.$sessiontype.$sessionnumber

This gives me a number of files, that using the example log above would be created as shown below:

Assuming the first line of a session ends with "starting session" you can try this (not tested):

awk '{
  !a[$4]{a[$4]=$4; n[$4]="session."$4"."$6"."$7}
  a[$4]{print > n[$4]}
' file

Use nawk or /usr/xpg4/bin/awk on Solaris if you get errors.


Sorry, I should have been more specific. The starting session lines all end with something like:

20090409 000122 - BD0 - Order 123 starting session with client 12 port 34
20090409 000123 - EF0 - Order 234 starting session with client 347 port 38

And both the client and port are dynamic values.

Yeah, I'm getting errors -- I'm running this under cygwin, so I don't have easy access to nawk.

try this -
$ sort -k 4 logfile | awk 'NR==1{prev=$4;txt="session."$4"."$6"."$7;printf("%s\n%s",txt,$0);getliine}{if (prev !~ $4){txt="session."$4"."$6"."$7;printf("%s\n%s",txt,$0);prev=$4}else {print $0;prev=$4}}'

will give something like this -

20090409 000127 - 11F - Processing20090409 000127 - 11F - Processing
20090409 000127 - 11F - Query 543 starting session
20090409 000122 - BD0 - More Processing20090409 000125 - BD0 - More Processing
20090409 000126 - BD0 - Order 123 shutting down
20090409 000122 - BD0 - Order 123 starting session
20090409 000122 - BD0 - Processing 1
20090409 000124 - BD0 - Processing 2
20090409 000125 - DD1 - Cancel 345 starting session20090409 000125 - DD1 - Processing
20090409 000126 - DD1 - Processing 2
20090409 000123 - EF0 - Order 234 starting session20090409 000124 - EF0 - Processing
20090409 000125 - EF0 - Processing

Devaraj Takhellambam

Try this one:

awk '
{if !($4 in a){a[$4]=$4; n[$4]="session."$4"."$6"."$7}}
{if ($4 in a) {print > n[$4]}}
' file
