Grep: Return a user message when no hits

I have ASCII files to parse that 48 hours old or more ; I can identify them like so

    find . -name "FILE*TXT"  -mtime +1 -exec ls -ltas '{}' ';' 

Some files have a list of hardware errors (we test electronic components), some have none. If the file name has no errors, I still want to display a message like so

        grep ^err R*VER && echo "No error"
    FILEA.TXT:err	->USB	3910	err	
    FILED.TXT:err No Error

This grep statement works but it seemingly overrides the find() statement above if I run both at the same time... How can I combine the two statements to create a report that lists the filename and error(s) like so

    FILEA.TXT Button	3320	err
    FILEB.TXT USB	3235	err
    FILEC.TXT IR Remote	2436	err
    FILED.TXT No error

Is it possible to return "No error" with the file name without error? Thanks in advance for your help.

find . -name "FILE*TXT"  -mtime +2 |while read file
  grep ^err $file && echo "No error"

After running the command

find . -name "R*VER" -mtime +1 -exec sh -c 'grep -H ^err "{}" || echo "{}:No error"' \;

my files look like this

RRR1~COS~COSMETICS~40048~jgmdtv113~1~P~R22-200~029053662549~20110607~102151.VER No error
RRR1~COS~COSMETICS~ETT03~jgm14652.~3~F~R16-500~000907009757~20110607~085109.VER err 3922 	

Using the tilde (~) symbol as delimiter, can I extract the fields I want so I get an output like this

RRR1~COS~COSMETICS~40048~jgmdtv113~1~P~R22-200~029053662549~20110607~102151.VER No error RRR1 COS P
RRR1~COS~COSMETICS~ETT03~jgm14652.~3~F~R16-500~000907009757~20110607~085109.VER err 3922 RRR1 COS F 	

I tried the following

find . -name "R*VER" -mtime +1 -exec sh -c 'grep -H ^err "{}" || echo "{}:No error"' \;|awk -F~ '{print $0}{print $1"\t"$2"\t"$7"\t"$8"\t"$9"\t"$10}'

but it does not work; Instead, it produces this output (not all fields shown here...)

RRR1~COS~COSMETICS~40048~jgmdtv113~1~P~R22-200~029053662549~20110607~102151.VER No error
RRR1~COS~COSMETICS~40048~jgmdtv113~1~P~R22-200~029053662549~20110607~102151.VER RRR1 COS P
RRR1~COS~COSMETICS~ETT03~jgm14652.~3~F~R16-500~000907009757~20110607~085109.VER err 3922
RRR1~COS~COSMETICS~ETT03~jgm14652.~3~F~R16-500~000907009757~20110607~085109.VER RRR1 COS F

I'd like to do this is one pass so I can generate a SQL script with INSERT statements...Can it be done?

find . -name "R*VER" -exec sh -c 'grep -H ^err "{}" || echo "{}:No error"' \; |
        awk -F: '
                BEGIN { q="\047" }
                        print "INSERT INTO MYTABLE (COL1,COL2,COL3,COL4,COL5,COL6,COL7,COL8) VALUES (" q file q "," q result q "," q a[1] q "," q a[2] q "," q a[7] q "," q a[8] q "," q a[9] q "," q a[10] q ")"

Took care of it.