grep is not working for few extensions

HI all,
I am trying to grep few words in with file extension of srw. But grep is not giving any output. File has all the permisssions to read,write,execute.

If i try to search manually i can notice words whatever i want in the file.

my command is very simple

grep -i "word" *.srw

can u tell me any other limitations required for file size or any other things...

I copied file from windows to UNIX. after copy i observerd that "\377\376" added at the first line automatically. Is this creates any issue?

try the following sed command and see if it works

sed -n '/[wW]ord/p' *.srw

Hi thanhdat,

Its working fine. But I copied file from windows to UNIX. After copy, I observerd that "\377\376" added at the first line automatically. If i remove this, grep is working fine.
can any one tell why "\377\376" added at the begining for all the files....

try dostounix to fix the file issue and try using grep

dostounix file > newfile

Well, "^\377\376" means little endian in Windows Unicode format.