Grep command output in tabular format

I have a grep command script which works fine and give the correct results but i wanted the output to be displayed in tabular format ? Is it possible to display
the output in tabular format and as well direct them to some file.

main script :


Start_Time=`date '+%m%d%y %HH%MM%SS'`
date_file=`date '+%m%d%y_%HH%MM%SS'`
Date=`date '+%m%d%y_%HH%MM%SS'`
typeset LOGFILE=/logs/`hostname`_Config_`date '+%Y%m%d_%H%M'`.log

# Logs both on screen and in to the log file

logIt (){
  mydate=`date '+%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S'`
  case $log_mode in
      printf "$mydate, $*\n" 2>&1 >> $LOGFILE
      printf "$mydate, $*\n" 2>&1
      printf "$mydate, $*\n" 2>&1 |tee -a $LOGFILE

routes=$(grep routeList $CONFIG  | grep -v '!' | grep `hostname` | cut -d ":" -f 2| sed 's/,/ /g')
logIt "========================================================="
for routeq in $routes; do
        logIt "hostList/serviceList/appServiceName parameters set for the route $routeq are :"
        hostList=$(grep $routeq $CONFIG | grep `hostname` | grep -v '!' | grep hostList)
        logIt $hostList
        serviceList=$(grep $routeq $CONFIG | grep `hostname` | grep -v '!' | grep serviceList)
        logIt $serviceList
        appServiceName=$(grep $routeq $CONFIG | grep `hostname` | grep -v '!' | grep appServiceName)
        logIt $appServiceName
logIt "========================================================="

output am getting from the above script :

2013/08/30 07:25:34, ==========================================================
2013/08/30 07:25:34, hostList/serviceList/appServiceName parameters set for the route fd are :
2013/08/30 07:25:34, UHH11A*adh*fd.route*hostList :,
2013/08/30 07:25:34, UHH11A*adh*fd.route*serviceList : ID3
2013/08/30 07:25:34, UH11A*adh*fd.route*ID3*appServiceName : IRF
2013/08/30 07:25:35, ==========================================================
2013/08/30 07:25:35, hostList/serviceList/appServiceName parameters set for the route fd_s are :
2013/08/30 07:25:35, UH11A*adh*fd_s.route*hostList :,
2013/08/30 07:25:35, UH11A*adh*fd_s.route*serviceList : ATS
2013/08/30 07:25:35, UH11A*adh*fd_s.route*ATS*appServiceName : ATS
2013/08/30 07:25:35, ==========================================================

I wanted the above output in tabular form :

|UHH11A|fd|,|ID3|IRF       |
|      |fd_s|,    |ATS|ATS       |

Postprocess with sed or awk? For instance, in sed you can read all the lines into the buffer using N and then pull the bits you want to one end as a new line, say the front to use P to print it only.

You did not repeat the Server on the second row like RDBMS, but suppressed it like for human pretty report - do that last, maybe another post-process.

Why no output for UH11A ? What about the first, mixed Server block?