grep & awk

Hi all,

I'm figuring on how to grep only specific data I want below:

Bin Total %
----- ------- -----
1 15 42.9

Bin Total %
----- ------- -----
2 15 80

Bin Total %
----- ------- -----
3 20 80

I would only want the % which is 42.9 on bin 1, to output this 42.9 into a txt file.

By using awk '{print $3}' > abc.txt it displays the entire column 3. Appreciate any help. Thanks in advance!

Something like this?

awk '$1==1{print $3}' file

Thanks a lot, i actually did try similiar 1...not working as well..

Attach is our tester output. We are only interested in Report for Site 0 & Report for Site 1 which is highlighted in red. We would want to take out all the values for %.

Still scratching my head now....

Is the original file like the attached file in rtf format? Then it should not be easy I'm afraid...