gnuplot pipelined one-liner ?


just tested gnuplot and it works fine on dumb monitor.
gnuplot> set term dumb
Terminal type set to 'dumb'
Options are 'feed 79 24'
gnuplot> set yrange [0:1.5]
gnuplot> plot [-2:2] exp(-x*x)

What I need is to have it to read data piped from a shell script, providing refresh feature (basic animation).

shell script | gnuplot

As data from shell script is streamed on-line
how to set gnuplot working for pipelined data .

In the above example I would like shell script to generate
"x" value as input into gnuplot.




One of the great features of Gnuplot is its ability to accept input data from a pipe. If your program outputs data in one of the above formats, it may be piped directly into Gnuplot without the need of an intermediate data file. For example, if your program's name is myprog, you may plot its output directly with the command

plot "< myprog"

the issue is I have got my shell scripts pipe working from left to right
but plot is reading pipe from the right.
Does it work placing
"shell script | one-liner" ?



I agree that gnuplot is a very good piece of software.

You have access to a very good computing environment, so when you ask question like:

you can more easily find the answer yourself by testing rather than asking here.

Your other posts suggest that you do that testing and experimentation, and that's a good habit to get into -- that's how you become independent and can then answer questions rather than only asking them. (Many responders look at user history, particularly for a low number of posts.)

So to solve problems, I suggest:

0 - do some reading, man pages, etc.

1 - try the most reasonable approaches that occur to you (note: it will often be more than one approach) -- this will become easier and better as you continue to use unix-like systems,

2 - if it fails, do some more reading: man pages, forum search, Google

3 - if you still cannot get satisfaction, then create the smallest model of your problem, and post it here. Include a dataset if necessary, the actual results, your code, and what you think the results should be or what you desire them to be. (Learn to use CODE blocks to make appropriate sections of your posts more readable.)

Best wishes ... cheers, drl

Please stop your philosophy.
I did tests , did experiments, did Google search.

I expect exact answer to basic question, nothing more.
And am sure to contact and get answer from an experienced user of gnuplot soon.

This forum is for discussion and asking questions to more experienced Linux shell scripters.

So what is your answer to my question ?
