get rid of "^" character in a .txt file

I have a file that I ran the dos2unix utility on, it cleans up pretty well, but I noticed an occasional ^M leftover, (actual characters) these may or may not be strays from my original dos file. Either way, I want to get rid of the ^ and any character that may follow. ^M ^C or whatever.
How do I get rid of ^M (a-z,A-Z) out of a text file when dos2unix does not catch it? (usually at the end of a line)
maybe the sed utility?

awk '{gsub("[[:cntrl:]]","");print}' in.file > out.file

^M is not the same as ^ and M put together. ^M is ascii 13, a single character.
From your description I cannot tell if you have leftover ascii 13 characters or ^ + M.
It makes a difference in the answer you get. If you are certain you ran dos2unix


sed 's/\^M//g' filename > tmp 
mv tmp filename

If those are ascii 13 chacters dos2unix will get rid of them - I would run it thru dos2unix
first to be sure.

From what I tested, dos2unix gets rid of only those ^M that are at the line's end. If that character is placed in the middle of the line, dos2unix leaves it there.

jim mcnamara and bartus11 it looks like they are NOT ascii13 characters they appear to be the actual ^ and the letter M. So ^+M
For some reason...I have no idea why they are there though. This is AFTER (and bef0re) I ran it thru dos2unix. The original file came from an Excel export to regular txt or .csv file...I believe. I know for sure that The contents of the original excel file is all numbers so I dont know how the ^M's got in there?

Well try our code. One of those one-liners will do the trick for you.

yes it worked! thank you!