GeoServer 1.7.2 (Default branch)

GeoServer connects your information to the Geospatial Web. With GeoServer, you can publish and edit data using open standards. Your information is made available in a large variety of formats as maps/images or actual geospatial data. GeoServer's transactional capabilities offer robust support for shared editing. It supports WFS-T and WMS open protocols from the OGC to produce JPEG, PNG, SVG, KML/KMZ, GML, PDF, Shapefiles, GeoRSS, JSON, and more. It is built on the GeoTools2 Java GIS toolkit. License: GNU General Public License (GPL) Changes:
Curved labeling. Label wrapping. Support for hatched fills. An OGR WFS output extension. An improved DB2 extension. An HTML imagemap extension. Label support in the GeoExt styler extension.
