Generate list of directories that a user has access to

I manage an AIX OS 7.1 system on IBM Power 770.

I want to find out which directories/folders a particular user has read/write access to. How can I cleanly create a list of all directories on the system that a user has access to.. Does this make sense?

Thanks in Advance, NEWB:rolleyes:

You may want to catalog the permissions found on the system and then you can test a user against one file per permission set: bits, id, group, dir, flat file or other inode.

As root you can impersonate any user and runs a script checking permissions. Or, you can write something that filters the permissions for a user out. Some users may have multiple groups, of course.

The system may have files that they could access except that currently they have no permissions on the path. Are they a concern?

Not sure if that makes sense; what do you need it for? On top of users having multiple groups assigned giving them access via that method, users that have access to a file may be denied execute/read access to directories above, so effectively they can't get at that file...

I've been tasked to find out which folders a particular user has rwx to. An interface team needs the information and I've been tapped to find out!