[FUN] Get some stats of your project/s


Ever wanted to have some basic stats of your projects?

	Project stats for "tui"
260 kb	in bin
24 kb	in conf.etc
12 kb	in conf.home
32 kb	in docs/samples
176 kb	in docs/wiki
280 kb	in docs
192 kb	in man
1984 kb	in screenshots
12 kb	in templates/manpage
32 kb	in templates/scripts
12 kb	in templates/usr
64 kb	in templates
36 kb	in themes
13 folders with a total of 3116 kbytes
Spread across 190 files, there are:
Lines Total: 		 14542
Comment lines: 		 2409
Blank lines: 		 201
Avrg lines p. file: 	 76

Was created using these few lines:

#	Vars
#	Action
	echo "$LINER"
	echo -e "\tProject stats for \"$(basename $PWD)\""
# Size
	echo "$LINER"
	for DIR in * ; do [ -d "$DIR" ] && LIST+=" $DIR" ; done
	du $LIST  | awk '{print $1" kb\tin "$2;SUM=SUM+$1} END {print NR" folders with a total of "SUM" kbytes"}'
# Files
	echo "$LINER"
	FILES=$(find|grep -ve ".git" -ve ".jpg"| wc -l)
	echo "Spread across $FILES files, there are:"
# Lines
	for F in $(find|grep -ve ".git" -ve ".jpg")
	do	[ -f "$F" ] && \
			COMMENTS=$(( $COMMENTS + $(grep ^"#" "$F" | wc -l) )) && \
			LINES=$(( $LINES + $(cat "$F" | wc -l) )) && \
			BLANKS=$(( $BLANKS + $(grep ^[[:space:]]$ "$F" | wc -l) ))
# Summary
	echo -e "Lines Total: \t\t $LINES"
	echo -e "Comment lines: \t\t $COMMENTS"
	echo -e "Blank lines: \t\t $BLANKS"
	echo -e "Avrg lines p. file: \t $(( $LINES / $FILES ))"

I wanted to share it when i wrote it, but figured i didnt.

Have fun

You could replace your Lines section with the below for more speed:

# Lines
vals=( $( awk -v q="^#,.*,^[[:space:]]*$" '
       { for(i in crit) t+=($0 ~ crit) }
       END { for(i=1; i<=cc;i++) printf "%d ",t }' \
       $(find . -type f -name "st*") )
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Limiting the files found to only files starting with st* is alot faster, due to a smaller list size.

After changing the find line to:

 $(find . -type f -name "*"|grep -ve jpg$ -ve png$ -ve svg$ -ve \.git) )

Its printing (almost) the same stats in quite near range (imo, regarding the task done)....

real	0m0.581s
user	0m0.195s
sys	0m0.742s


real	0m0.402s
user	0m0.385s
sys	0m0.026s

Only value changed is 'blank lines', raised from ~200 to ~1800. :confused:
Eventhough i've (theoreticly) removed more image files - which shouldnt contain empty lines anyway....

I wonder if you want to skip .git directories.
Then a -prune in find is more efficient.
Also it is more efficient to run the find once, and count the FILES in the loop.

for F in $(find . -type d -name ".git" -prune -o -type f \! -name ".jpg" -print)
    ... # only files, dont need to test again

NB the -print is needed: by explicitly printing the files it will not print the pruned directories.

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Just asking, are you aware that i created this thread with solved status?
Hence the [FUN] tag.

Anyway, for some reason the lines found jumped from 14541 to 22469, probably cause by the fact that the jpg files are still listed.

So to try it:

for F in $(find . -type d -name ".git" -prune -o -type f \! -name ".jpg" \! -name ".png" -print)
do	echo "$F"
	COMMENTS=$(( $COMMENTS + $(grep ^"#" "$F" | wc -l) ))
	LINES=$(( $LINES + $(cat "$F" | wc -l) ))
	BLANKS=$(( $BLANKS + $(grep ^[[:space:]]$ "$F" | wc -l) ))

Even with escaped "\.jpg" and/or unescaped "!", the screenshots are shown and their lines counted.
Ironicly, it reports only 2 files more... :confused:

Full output:

time ./stats.sh
	Project stats for "tui"
264 kb	in bin
24 kb	in conf.etc
12 kb	in conf.home
32 kb	in docs/samples
176 kb	in docs/wiki
280 kb	in docs
192 kb	in man
1984 kb	in screenshots
12 kb	in templates/manpage
32 kb	in templates/scripts
12 kb	in templates/usr
64 kb	in templates
36 kb	in themes
13 folders with a total of 3120 kbytes
Spread across 192 files, there are:
Lines Total: 		 22470
Comment lines: 		 2426
Blank lines: 		 206
Avrg lines p. file: 	 117

real	0m0.751s
user	0m0.290s
sys	0m0.848s


Sorry for the confusion. It must be
\! -name "*.jpg" \! -name "*.png" .

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