FTPing over COM port ???

Hello. Can someone please help, or give me any advice. The company I work for has a unix machine and works over the com port rather than IP. We need to retrieve some files from it onto another unix machine and we are trying to get an ftp program to work, does anyone know any ftp programs that work, and which setting to use to get it to look at the com port.
Has anyone tried this, does it work? Can it work?
If it can't be done via ftp, does anyone have any suggestions on how it can be done?
Any help would be very much appreciated. Cheers.
Badge. :smiley:

How about a few more details here. Which versions of unix are on the two systems? Are the two systems connected via com ports? Can you log in from one system to the other via this connection? If so, what program do you use on the originating system to establish the connection?