ftp server/client buffers

Hi all,

and again, I need help by you :slight_smile:

I am using RH Advanced Server 2.1 with the defaukt wu-ftpd deamon. Now i want to tune the speed of my ftp transfers, but for this I need to increase the buffers for reading/writing from/to a filesystem and the sending/receiving buffers of the network.

I know on Solaris, I can use some command options like -b XX -n YY and for the server I can use the quote site command, but know on Linux and wuftpd I don't kniw how I can tune it.

It is not important for me to use wuftpd, if you know a better server please let me know !

Thnx / Regards


I don't know if wuftpd allows you to specify the size of the read and write buffers on the command line... you can always edit the source and change it... NcFTPd (http://www.ncftpd.com) allows you to change the size of buffers amonst other interesting features... It's free if you are not going to need more than 3 users connected at the same time, or if you are not a profit organization...