FTP large files - Getting "Connection Refused"

Hello Friends,

When i trying to transfer a huge amount of files via FTP to a HP-Unx server, I am getting an error "Connection Refused"...!

How can i avoid this error.

Prakash K:b:

Connection refused may be a lot of things, I would guess that the remote disk is full
or there are files over there that you do not have permission to write.

Generally, it is more informative to turn on verbose mode and refer to the return codes -those three digit numbers at the start of each message. 400 and 500 level messages are warnings and errors.

check with the remote syadmin they may have some kind of ftp flooding prevention thing going.

x2 my money's on this.

Can we see some kind of log of events?

If I understand this correctly, you connected to the server ok, but upon attempting to send a files(s), received this message?

I am just trying to be clear that the large file send was rejected and not the initial attempt to connect and begin ftp.