ftp from hard drive to unix server

i want to ftp a flat file from my local harddrive to the unix server box. Can anybody send me the command. Thanks

From a PC -> unix server?
You have to have an account on the unix server - username password

ftp <unix server nodename>  username password
ftp> cd /path/to/unix/directory
ftp> put myfile
ftp> bye

No account? use the username=anonymous password=your emailid
if the server allows anonymous ftp.

thank you . I will try it

but , I am trying to ftp from my c drive. So, will this work. Can you take a example of a dummy file name and write the command please.
Thank you

ftp hostname
user: foo
password: bar
put c:\my\windows\file target-file-on-unix

alternatively use "cd" to switch to the correct directy in a windows command prompt prior to the upload.

ftp hostname
user: foo
password: bar
put file

Typically it will end up in the home directory of 'foo'.

but for PUT FILE, do we have to give the file location like c:\filename ?

Thanks. I got it .
Thanks a lot again