FTP Between UNIX & Windows drops leading blanks

I am using ftp on Solaris to transfer files to Windows 2000 that have leading blanks in the name (ex. " 12345A4444.BIN"). When they get to Windows the leading blanks are stripped off. Has anyone encountered this and is there a fix? If I use Hummingbird it is ok but that is not an option for this application.

how do you transfer the file(s)?
what's the exact syntax of the command you're using?

Generally I am just using an mput * from a script because there could be one or 100 files. I did try and use a put with the name in quotes but windows still stripped the leading blanks. A windows support person here told me that it will strip leading blanks and that I might be able to escape the blanks to preserve them but he could not remember what that escape sequence was.

I was able to 'get' a file with blanks: originating from Windows and get-ting it from Sun/Solaris. I understand it's a different "direction", but....

You can try to "escape" your blanks with '\':
\ \ \twoBlanksBefore.txt

I tried the \ but that just changed the directory the file got put into.

worf52 !

I tried the reverse ... ;
From windows to unix (AIX) and mget *xyz
where xyz file is having leading spaces.

It works good.

You may try that option.

Hi worf52 !

I successfully ftped two files "a file.txt" and " afile.txt" from UNIX <=> DOS
Yes. File name should be within double-quotes.
Didn't try mget / mput.

One more point is , I had used psftp !

