Fsecure ssh client sftp 2.5

Is there any free version of Fsecure ssh client sftp we have. or need to buy license for this. Can you please let me know on this.thanks Regards.

You can use WinSCP if you want a GUI, or the command-line utility psftp from the PuTTY collection.

Thanks for your reply. Is there any procedure to install putty on unix server end. Can you please give me reply on this. thanks.regards.

On UNIX I usually just used OpenSSH, as it's free and available on almost any platform.


I managed to download putty client for unix version. Any one guide me how to install on unix machine. give me reply.thanks, regards.

You can't install putty on unix box. For sftp purposes , you can use sftp binary from /usr/bin/sftp area.

sftp> versions
SFTP protocol version 3

the sftp binary was installed already in /usr/bin/directory. I can so sftp using this. no issues.

In that case FSecure SSH SFTP is different from this this one or not. Because my client is using Fsecure SSH SFTP 2.5. My question is how do i install the same version into my notebook. If not, there are having some problem during transferrring files. Any one guide on this. Appreciated. Regards.