FoxPro 2.6 and updating UW

I have an app in FP26 with 400 prgs currently en UW7.1.1 thats work perfectly.

I have a new server and install UW7.1.4 and FP26. Then I had copy my App to new server. But the next command doesn't work:

use database
@10,10 get name

I can't write in the get.

The next two works
use database exclusive
@10,10 get name
use database
cname = name
@10,10 get cname

Yes! I can modify all my gets, but are 100s of instructions.

Are there any difference in locks in UW7.1.1?

It appears as if your databases are read only. The permissions should be 0666. Foxpro is pretty much a straight re-compilation of the DOS version, and does not understand the nuances of Unix permissions.

Nop!, I can edit,browse,append,replace, but can not edit with GET...READ

How did you install foxpro on the new server? were you able to install if from the original media, or did you copy it from the old system?
I can tell you that this anomaly does not occur with SCO Openserver 6.0.0

I had instaled foxpro with a copy from old server, the new one haven't diskette
Do you think this can be the problem?

I don't have much to do with UW, but the Foxpro diskettes for Openserver have not worked since SCO changed the custom format with release 5.0.5.
I tar'd /usr/bin/foxpro and /usr/lib/foxpro (absolute file names), then just extract the tar file on any new machine.