Four decimal places with awk

i have a script in which awk prints "($2-1700)/10000"
and the answer is -0.07,but i want the answer in 4 decimal places.
that is -0.0700.
How can i sue awk to get my results in four decimal places

In the States we sue for more numbers on the left of the decimal place... :smiley:

But in awk you can use printf(), most likely


Use the printf() function for the output. The format string with which to format the output follows the same rules as the C-function "printf()". In your case:

printf "%-7.4f\n" "1.2345"

I hope this helps.


If you have multiple instances where that precision is required, perhaps a better solution would be to set OFMT to "%.4f". Then you can simply use a plain "print x" statement.


it worked thanks to you all