Forward X11 Putty+Xming without $HOME

Im trying to forward X11 from new servers by logging with NIS User, but no $HOME is mounted from NIS maps, this is how it was set-up.
I got Xming for X11 forwarding which works beautifully with putty, but it aint working with this situation where my $HOME folder is missing,
Means when Im logging via ssh in i get some message that could not chdir to $HOME and lock .Xauthority file which is logically, cause I dont have a $HOME.
My configuration was as follows Xming Display 10.
Putty X11 Forwarding with :10.0
in shell export DISPLAY="localhost:10.0"
In most cases it usually does the trick.
The problem can be solved by creating my local $HOME according to /etc/passwd's location on the server.

Thank you in advance for your advices.


Do you have the enable X forwarding box checked in Putty under SSH > X11?

yes sure, as said, it usually works, when the User $home is present