Formatting the output


I have a file which contents entries in this form.

Only in /data4/temp abc.000001
Only in /data4/temp abc.000003
Only in /data4/temp abc.000012
Only in /data4/temp abc.000120
Only in /data4/temp abc.000133
Only in /data4/temp abc.001444

i want to read line by line and format the output in this form.


I have written this code but it is not returning anything.

 while read line
> do
> i=${line}
> x=`cut -d" " -f3`
> y=`cut -d" " -f4`
> echo $x/$y
> done <tmp2.txt

Please suggest:(


$ while read junk junk path file
> do
> echo ${path}/${file}
> done < infile

Or with awk,

awk '{print $3 OFS $4}' OFS=\/ infile


sed 's/Only in \(\/.*\) \(.*\)/\1\/\2/g' file