Formatting the output in UNIX

Hi All,
Here is an oracle command to list out the bug fix patches applied on Oracle Software.

(hostname)/home/oracle-> $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch lsinventory -bugs_fixed

The output of this command is as follows(Pasting only relevant section):

List of Bugs fixed by Installed Patches:

Bug        Fixed by  Installed at                   Description
---        --------  ------------                   -----------
14063281   14063281  Mon Apr 29 06:47:47 EDT 2013   DB-
12880299   14063280  Mon Apr 29 06:47:10 EDT 2013   RAC TCP HANDLERS BLOCK IF LISTENER REGISTRATION
                                                    IS RESTRICTED TO IPC W/COST

OPatch succeeded.

The Description highlighted in red & yellow color is related same Patch. I want capture the complete description which is split in two lines.
Can you guys help me in getting this resolved.



$ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch lsinventory -bugs_fixed | perl -p0e '$spaces=" " x 52;s/\n$spaces(\w)/ $1/g'
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Thanks bartus11!
It works, can you pleas explain me the perl command so that i can reuse it in future.


It basically replaces all occurences of 52 consequtive spaces that are at the beginning of a line with a single space, while removing the newline character located right before those spaces.