fork&pipe "interpretting" shell - problem

hello everybode.Got some sort of "problems" with this stuff;
well this is a program

int main()
    int Pipe[2];
    int origStdin, origStdout;
    int childPID;
    origStdin = dup(0);
    origStdout = dup(1);
    if( (childPID = fork()) < 0 )
        perror( "Fork Error" );
    if( !childPID )
        dup2( Pipe[0], 0 );
        dup2( origStdout, 1 );
        close( origStdout );
        close( origStdin );
        close( Pipe[0] );
        close( Pipe[1] );
        execlp( "/bin/sort", "sort", NULL );
        perror("Execl error");
    dup2( Pipe[1], 1 );
    close( Pipe[0] );
    close( Pipe[1] );
    close( origStdout );
    close( origStdin );
    execlp( "/bin/cat", "cat","a.txt","b.txt", NULL );
    perror( "EXEC Error");
    return 0;

problem is that :after the work hav done it[program] (unfortunatly top utility do not show nor cat nor sort) stuck(freezes or smth) )just got it whats that!
it tty or who? do not show its bash-blablabla-$ ? why? and how to make to show this string?

wrong forum section.

This program appears to work correctly for me, and I cannot figure out what your question is.