force umount in solaris 2.6

Hi All,

Can someone share with me how to force umount in solaris 2.6?



umount -f /filesystem

This command may or may not work, or may mess up the system cause it to hang.

You shud first do a fuser on the filesystem to find out if there are any existing processes still running from it.

[root]# fuser /oradata

/oradata: 23472c 23472c 23469c 348c 452c 448c 420c 405c

The above shows that I have 8 processes running from it.

do a ptree <process id> to trace what is running.

[root]# /usr/proc/bin/ptree 348
348   /oradata/9.0/bin/tnslsnr LISTENER -inherit

then just stop those application running, or it could be some user logon accessing it then just kill them, then try to umount normally.

Hi Sparcguy

I did fuser /myfs but it showed that no process was runnin on it. :frowning:

I'm aware that "-f" is supported on 2.8 but it does not seem to be by 2.6.

Here are two options:

  • reboot
  • upgrade from this outdated release to something more current ...